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Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

SEO Copywriting Blueprint for Newbies

Search engine optimized copywriting doesn't have to be difficult. The following guidelines can help ensure that your content will achieve a higher rank. This will mean more visitors, hence greater visibility and success.
Tip#1-Write valuable content
Provide visitors with valuable information. If the website looks attractive but has poorly written copy, visitors will leave. Does the website offer current news in that specified niche? Is the information "evergreen"? Evergreen content is information that isn't prone to becoming outdated.
Tip#2-Everyone loves a freebie
What incentive does your website offer? Include a complimentary consultation or free offer in the call to action. Visitors need to be encouraged to take immediate action, and a site's call to action should kindle a sense of urgency. For instance, "sign up today for complimentary admission to XYZ concert" sounds more inviting than "click here to read more about the XYZ concert."
Go back and read what you actually wrote. Do you even understand the message? As the writer, if you don't understand the message, neither will your audience. Write for the reader, and then write for the search engines. Don't use keywords that sound out of place, and don't "keyword stuff." This "black hat" SEO technique- using too many keywords on one page- is discouraged by SEO professionals, and will decrease your website's overall rank.
Tip#4- Use bold and italics
The eye is attracted to copy that stands out from the rest. Highlight key messages and points with bold and italics. But don't go overboard. Don't give your readers eyestrain by overdoing it on the bold and italics.
Tip#5-Use well-researched keywords
Research keywords before using them in web copy. Utilize free online resources such as and Google's search-based keyword tool. Create lists of keyword phrases relevant to how visitors would actually search the site. Don't create lists based on how you would search your website. Think like your visitors and use reader-based keywords around the product s and services that you offer.

How to Stop Divorce and Keep a Healthy Marriage

Before calling your divorce lawyer and breaking up with your partner for good, you must learn how to stop divorcefirst. Instead of giving up your marriage without a fight, you have to focus on repairing your problematic relationship with your partner. Once you have given your marriage a second chance, you can live a life free from regrets and what ifs.
Here are the most effective ways to stop divorce and to maintain a healthy marriage.
Be kind and thoughtful
Although being kind and thoughtful sounds simple, most couples do not know that they are already going against this rule. Husbands can help old women cross the street, but fail to help their wives in household tasks. Wives smile at random strangers but scowl to their husbands when they return home from work.
The first step in saving your marriage is to speak gently and kindly to your partner. Consider his needs and give them without expecting for anything in return. By remaining kind and thoughtful to your partner, your partner will eventually feel more open about giving your relationship another try. Eventually, he will begin to respond to your acts of kindness and make feel more positive about your marriage.
Spend time with your partner
Spending more time with your spouse is also an important aspect in learning how to stop divorce. Take a break from all the household chores and work-related tasks that you have to attend to. Watch movies with him, eat in fancy restaurants, and tell him everything you have in mind. These simple yet exciting activities can rekindle the love you lost over the years.
It is also a good idea to do household chores together. Ask your partner to help you do the laundry, mow the lawn, and clean the house. These simple tasks can do wonders in saving your marriage and making it stronger than ever.
Do not set aside bedroom issues
Sex is an important element of a healthy marriage. Disappointment in the bedroom is probably one of the most common warning signs in a marriage. Solve the problem before everything is too late. Otherwise, it can become a serious domestic issue that can threaten your marriage.
Before blaming your partner, try thinking about your behavior in bed first. Have you ignored your partner for the past few weeks? Were you disappointed with how he responded to you when you needed someone to talk to? Attack the root of the problem before it puts your marriage at risk.

Buying Luxury Watches - Tips You Should Know

We would all like to be in a position where we could own a luxury watch. But of course the cost of buying such an item might be quite a stretch for some people. But if you were to go online, you would be astounded to see how many websites there are that make buying these luxury items more affordable. Before you go ahead and make such a purchase, please read through these recommended tips for buying luxury watches online.
Tip 1: When you are purchasing any kind of luxury watch, it is important that you look carefully at the kind of guarantee being offered by the seller. If you can, select a watch where a lifetime guarantee is already included from the manufacturer. Should any problems arise in due course, you are assured that the maker will rectify them without incurring any costs on your part. Of course, this is provided that the problems are resulting from manufacturer defects and not by user negligence. If the watch you want to buy does not include any sort of guarantee, then certainly try to avoid it. In all likelihood, the item is not a genuine article but rather an identical reproduction.
Tip 2: The next thing to take into consideration before deciding to invest in a luxury watch is how often do you plan to wear it. If you are planning to wear it all the time, it is best to select one that is not too heavy. Also, make sure that it is fitted with a strap that will feel comfortable on your wrist. Preferably, select one that has a leather strap fitted with safety clasps which can easily be altered any time. This will also reduce the mishap of inadvertently losing the watch should you happen to be involved in sports or doing any kind of rigorous outdoor activity.
Tip 3: One very important factor about buying a luxury watch is regarding how much you can spend. So before you go out to start looking around, sit down and work out a budget. How much can you realistically afford to spend, even on a financing plan? If you are not willing to do this, then there is every likelihood that you not only will buy a watch you cannot afford, but one that you simply don't really need.
Tip 4: Lastly, notice where the luxury watch is made that you are thinking of buying. Typically, watches are made all around the globe from European and Asian countries alike. But if you are seeking one of the highest quality watches possible, then look for ones made in Switzerland. They are made to very exacting standards by some of the world's finest watchmakers.

Tips untuk Membersihkan dan Memelihara Watch Anda

Kehidupan tahan lama jam tangan membutuhkan perawatan berkala. Setelah berdiri lama, musim semi akan bersantai menonton alami dan akan berhenti bekerja akhirnya. Untuk mencapai sebuah aplikasi lama dari menonton, penggunaan dan pemeliharaan yang tepat itu pada dasarnya signifikan. Berikut ini adalah beberapa tips praktis untuk membersihkan dan memelihara menonton Anda dengan benar.
1 Saat jam anda kotor, Anda harus sikat itu dengan cara soft-bulu sikat jika tidak menonton tahan air. Tetapi kalau itu tahan air, deterjen ringan harus diadopsi dicampur dengan air untuk sikat itu. Dan kemudian, Anda harus bersihkan dengan kain lembut dan bersih. Apa lagi, deterjen kimia harus dihindari jika tanah telah menyusup ke bagian dalam menonton, karena dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada bagian dalam jam tangan.
2 Jika ada sedikit air atau kabut di kaca arloji, kertas toilet atau kain lembut yang dapat menyerap kelembaban harus digunakan untuk menghapus itu dan kemudian melihat harus diambil untuk dikeringkan. Namun, jika air yang masuk menonton bukan hanya sedikit, Anda harus bawa ke ahli sesegera mungkin dan biarkan dia memeriksa. ahli akan mengambil beberapa tindakan untuk mencegah mekanisme dari mendapatkan karat dengan menerapkan beberapa minyak khusus untuk membersihkan air.
3 Jika jam anda adalah salah satu yang tahan air, Anda harus berhati-hati bahwa kulit akan keluar dari bentuk jika dipengaruhi oleh kelembaban. Magnetic barang harus dihindari karena mereka dapat mempengaruhi keakuratan menonton. Selain itu, Anda harus alternatif siklus kedap air sebagai secara teratur sebagai mungkin, karena pengerasan itu akan melemahkan ketahanan air jam Anda.
4 Jika Anda memiliki jam mekanik, Anda harus berhati-hati untuk tidak mengocoknya keras saat Anda bermain game atau melakukan sesuatu dengan intensitas tinggi. Jangan kaca arloji terbuka sering, atau kotoran akan menyusup ke menonton dengan mudah.
5 Jika Anda telah berpartisipasi dalam beberapa kegiatan air dengan jam tangan Anda, Anda harus melampirkan sangat penting untuk masa pemeliharaan. Anda dapat melakukannya sendiri. Cobalah untuk membersihkan logam dan tali karet tahan air dengan menggunakan kain lembut sabun untuk menghilangkan bahan kimia air laut atau air yang disaring di kolam renang. Kemudian, kain basah harus digunakan untuk menghapus lebih lanjut, dan akhirnya, Anda bisa biarkan kering di tempat bayangan.
Selain yang disebutkan di atas, Anda juga harus memiliki pemeriksaan teratur jam anda untuk melihat apakah ada kebutuhan untuk membuat perawatan beberapa atau bahkan perbaikan. Dengan perawatan dan tips ini memelihara praktis, Anda dapat menggunakan jam anda untuk jangka waktu yang panjang.