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Senin, 21 Februari 2011

Bunaken, Andalan Manado

here's a tour place memukau at north celebes. when called bational park name bunaken so identical with location submerge winsomeest the whole world. there heaven under sea situated, be gulf manado with beauty flora and fauna existing.

be sea rug for the width of 890,65 km2 at gulf area manado, we shall find creation beauty enchantment the all powerful with will enjoy umbu coloured cliff warni. there more than 200 fish species kinds with various biota another sea. you will feel sensation will submerge with scenery dish under bewitch sea in park situated 75 sea mile from coast manado. location submerge this reachable with trip 35 minutes use speed boat. 

not only see fish front various aspect mills and sea grassland, we also can see approximately 390 species umbu cliffs that send out light enchantment amazes. its for berlekak-lekuk unique, gaps up to cave or cute tunnel under sea may be impossible is found in other place. 

geographically bational park bunaken divisible be two parts, that is part north and part south. part north cover five islands,  and seaboard between molas up to tiwoho that called beach molas-wori. part south entire consist seaboard between village poopoh and village popareng that called beach arakan-wawontulap. at this area, found 22 villages with people around total 35 thousands soul. a large part berprofesi as farmer and fisherman with 25%- put hand to tourism area.

this park foundeds 1991 and be one of [the] first sea park at world. in 2005 bunaken be world inheritance site after registerred indonesia at unesco. happen enhanced significant in tourist visit to this bational park. in 2008 visited 32.760 foreign tourist, at year next increase to so 51 thousands foreign countries tourist. even, in 2010 governments provinsi celebes north will dare menarget as much as 100 thousands foreign tourist will come at bunaken. even less at year this proclaimed manado world tourism city 2010, bational park bunaken be ikon celebes mainstay tourism north. 

submerge really be best manner when you want according to intact and clear enjoy panorama beauty under sea bunaken. available 23 places snorkeling or diving. not take care busy bring tool submerge self because there rented tools at the price of revolve rp 100 thousands per day. 

but submerge really not only choice. another manner use ship semi dive that rented at offshore island bunaken. this ship prepare glass walls to be able to enjoy beauty and eksotisme sea floor bunaken. there also submarine blue banter only will operate moment sea water pair. scenery that got of course more maximal although far the rate more expensive from ship semi dives berdinding glass.

there two ship rental place choices from manado aim bunaken, that is market bersehati and marina. lease ship from market bersehati manado to bunaken with rate between rp 300 thousands - rp 400 thousands. while if from marina operative rate more expensive that is around rp 600 thousands - rp 800 thousands. 

manner economicaler unite with another tourists with board tradisional ship bertarif rp 50 thousands per person. only must wait seat on board full formerly new leave. 

enchantment bunaken not only in the sea park, but on the surface of even also we can enjoy beauty and eksotisme five islands that cover bational park area. five that islands is that is island bunaken, siladen, manado old, nain and mantehage. at latest island found tribe bajo with special the culture. 

to achieve manado, there many aviation company choices that serve route, either from jakarta, denpasar, makassar and shove. from jakarta for example, you can choose indonesia eagle (twice aviation times a day), lion water (3 aviation time-table times a day) and batavia water (twice aviation time-tables a day), with time goes during approximately 3 trip clocks. 

well, wait what else?

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