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Senin, 21 Februari 2011

pretty lake from disaster

not complete likely if you pay a visit to north sumatra doesn't call on a moment to lake toba, vulcanic lake that is biggest lake in indonesia, even south-east asia. the exotic enchantment shaped vast lake rug executes ocean with leafy trees and hilly winsome. this lake measures 1700 square meters with depth approximately 450 meters and situated 906 meters above sea level, in the middle of lake found island samosir not lose to interesting it to be tour visit object.

in the visit in 1996, prince bernard from dutch even declare the amazement in this lake beautiful panorama. “jual my name is for this lake. i not can describe how the beautiful lake toba, ” he said enthusiastic. 

there seven regencies at around lake, that is simalungun, toba samosir, tapanuli north, humbang hasundutan, dairi, karo,  and samosir that has beautiful nature panorama and be tour aim location. usually tourist enjoys keelo lake toba from parapat at simalungun and tuktuk siadong at island samosir. 

estimated lake toba happen moment explosion around 73 ribu-75 thousands last year and be super explosion volcano (super volcano) bewest. bill rose and craig chesner from michigan technological university estimate that vulcanic ingredients that is vomitted up that mount as much as 2.800 km³, with 800 km³ rock ignimbrit and 2.000 km³ vulcanic ash that is estimated to breezed wind to west during two week.
vulcanic dust that is tooted wind has scattered to half earth, from china to africa south. the explosion happens during one week and the dust throw achieves 10 km above sea level. 

this insident causess mass death and, in several species, also followed extinction. follow several proofs dna, this explosion also derogate human total until around 60% from earth human population total moment that, that is around 60 million human. that explosion also come along to causes the happening of ice age, although experts stills to debate about something it. 

after explosion, formed kaldera then content by water and be now being known as lake toba. pressure to on by magma not yet out causes island appearance samosir. when enjoy this lake beauty, you may be not shadow that enchantment that come from volcano explosion terrible disaster that imports fear and dread at the time. 
land trip to lake toba, precisely to parapat, consume time four until five clocks from field. available bus or travel direct aim parapat. the route passes by depth pakam, tall ledge,  and turn up at dike siantar. along trip, we are menyuguhi oil palm estate panorama and rubber. 

when use train, from field chooses route aims dike siantar. from here trip is continued to use bus to parapat. time go through it one clock.
for place stays and live longer enjoys lake beauty toba, available many hotels and inn. at parapat, at least there 900 hotel rooms various kind, begin from four star up to homestay, at tuktuk also it makes no odds. either in parapat also tuktuk, tourist can direct enjoy lake from the hem. hotel rate at tuktuk and parapat vary, appropriate typical that tourist. begin from rp 30 thousands up to rp 500 thousands per evening depending hotel type. 

a company travel even offered to enjoy lake beauty toba from the air, that is use paralayang. every tourist is given to chance to fly to use paralayang from ridges area tongging, soil regency karo, north sumatra. to all tourist that want to try paralayang be accompanied a experienced instructor, but of course determination can fly or doesn't depend on wheater condition and wind. 

not only that, enjoy sunrise beauty and sunk can you enjoy from lake beach. from plateau karo at borthside, keelo lake is seen lengthways looked at from sikodonkodon. but, there's only one resor here. beside west, lake scenery and island samosir can finely be watchinged from tele. there guardhouse looks at at height around 1.000 meter from sea level to enjoy twilight at lake toba.

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