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Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

How To Make High Quality Effective Banner Ads

How long does it take to create a banner ad? Hundreds of hours you might think and a lot of people think this too. In reality you can create one very easy with a fee design software program downloaded from the internet. Do this and you can create free banners ads in less time than you ever thought which means if you are into internet marketing it helps your business grow faster.
What You Will Need
Unless you are already a Photoshop professional you don't need it at all so forget about putting up hundreds of dollars and spending way too much time to learn Photoshop. In the learning part of creating banner ads you need to download one simple program called paint and you get it at GetPaint (use Google to find it) for free. is a photo and graphic editor and has the tools you need to successfully make banner ads. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles that Photoshop has but it isn't $500 dollars either and is sufficient.
Make a Banner Ad with Paint.NET
Start your banner ad creation with the setting of the canvas size. A very common size is a horizontal 468 x 60. There are many more sizes of banner ads that you have likely seen on the internet such as 250 x 250 known as a block ad. Or the skyscraper banner ad which is 60 x 960 vertical. Try setting the canvas size at double or triple the size of the banner you want to produce, this will ensure that high quality images scale down just right when you upload to the location where they will be displayed.
Next thing to do after the canvas size is fixed is put on the graphics or background color this can be one color or can be images that are very complex. Try the simple background color to begin with then you can layer an image on top if you want. The key is not to flash the colors and images and take away from the message which is usually effective with text.
Banner ads are to convey information to visitors so using text is the best way to do this. If you where using banners for branding you would want to use images but if you need clicks to offers you should stay with text and a basic color background. Images can be used to complement text but not in place of it.
When you choose your colors for background and text they should be complementary it is common sense when creating banner ads that they should be pleasing to look at. Yellow and red go together well but some greens and blues may be harder to look at, I suggest a quick look around the web to see what looks good and makes you want to engage the ad. This will help you when choosing colors for creating your banner ad.
Flash and big ugly colors can make a potential customer turn away from it so be careful when using moving images and animation. Small amounts can have an effect and bring people into the banner ad but too much and you will have them leave the site completely.
Do You Want To Create Banners Faster
Remember to look into outsourcing if you don't want to create your own banner you can get this done many ways like,, or warrior forum. Some places like are just what it says $20 for a banner. I use for headers also not just for banners and if you want you can get a program like XHeader or XHeader Pro which has templates for you to choose from. You can adjust the dimensions and make banners with the software.

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